Why Some Fasts Don’t Work – And What The Bible Has to Say About Fasting Right?

Fasting is powerful. It is supposed to bring you closer to God, help you hear His voice, and break strongholds in your life. But let’s be real—sometimes fasting feels useless. You pray, you starve yourself, and yet nothing happens. Why? Could it be that some fasts don’t work because we are doing them wrong?

The Bible has a lot to say about fasting. It is not just about skipping meals. If fasting is not done the right way, it becomes just a diet. Let’s talk about why some fasts don’t work and what the Bible really says about it.

1. Fasting Without True Repentance Doesn’t Work (Isaiah 58:3-4)

Some people fast but continue living in sin. They fast because they want something from God, not because they want to get right with Him. The Israelites did this in Isaiah 58. They complained, saying:

“Why have we fasted,’ they say, ‘and You have not seen it? Why have we humbled ourselves, and You have not noticed?’” (Isaiah 58:3)

God responded by saying their fast was useless because they were still living in wickedness. He said:

“You cannot fast as you do today and expect your voice to be heard on high.” (Isaiah 58:4)

God does not reward fasting if our hearts are full of sin. If we gossip, lie, cheat, or hold grudges while fasting, it becomes pointless.

What Should You Do? Before you fast, repent. Confess your sins and ask God to cleanse your heart. A clean heart is more important than an empty stomach.

2. Fasting Without Prayer Is Just Starving Yourself (Matthew 6:6, 17-18)

Fasting without prayer is like having a phone with no battery. It is useless. Some people fast all day but never take time to pray. They go about their day, waiting for the fast to end. This is not biblical fasting.

Jesus said:

“When you fast, anoint your head and wash your face, so that your fasting may not be seen by others but by your Father who is in secret.” (Matthew 6:17-18)

This means fasting should be about spending time with God, not just avoiding food.

What Should You Do? Schedule prayer time during your fast. Read the Bible. Worship. If you don’t pray while fasting, you are just going hungry.

3. Fasting for Selfish Reasons Doesn’t Work (James 4:3)

Some people fast because they want God to do something for them. They want a new job, a new house, or a breakthrough. But if fasting is all about getting something instead of getting closer to God, it won’t work.

James 4:3 says:

“When you ask, you do not receive, because you ask with wrong motives, that you may spend what you get on your pleasures.”

If the only reason you fast is to get blessings, you may not get anything at all.

What Should You Do? Fast because you want more of God, not just His gifts. When your heart is right, blessings will follow.

4. Fasting Without Helping Others Is Empty (Isaiah 58:6-7)

Some people fast but remain selfish. They ignore the needs of others while trying to get close to God. But real fasting is not just about giving up food—it’s about helping people in need.

God said in Isaiah 58:

“Is not this the kind of fasting I have chosen: to loose the chains of injustice and untie the cords of the yoke, to set the oppressed free?” (Isaiah 58:6)

He also said:

“Is it not to share your food with the hungry and to provide the poor wanderer with shelter?” (Isaiah 58:7)

Fasting should make us more compassionate, not more focused on ourselves.

What Should You Do? During your fast, give to the poor. Help someone in need. Be kind. This is the kind of fasting God honors.

5. Fasting Without Faith Is Wasted Effort (Hebrews 11:6)

Some people fast but deep down, they don’t believe it will work. They think, “I’ll try, but I doubt anything will happen.” This kind of fasting has no power.

Hebrews 11:6 says:

“Without faith, it is impossible to please God.”

If you don’t believe in the power of fasting, you won’t see results.

What Should You Do? Fast with faith. Trust that God sees your sacrifice and will respond in His perfect time.

6. Fasting Without Obedience to God’s Word Is Useless (1 Samuel 15:22)

Some people fast but refuse to obey God in other areas of their lives. They think fasting can replace obedience. It cannot.

1 Samuel 15:22 says:

“To obey is better than sacrifice.”

God is more interested in our obedience than our fasting. If we ignore His commands but expect Him to answer our prayers just because we skipped meals, we are fooling ourselves.

What Should You Do? Obey God in all areas of your life. Don’t use fasting as a way to bribe God while ignoring His instructions.

7. Fasting Without Humility Brings No Reward (Luke 18:11-14)

Some people fast and then boast about it. They want others to know how “spiritual” they are. Jesus warned against this.

In Luke 18, Jesus told a story about a Pharisee and a tax collector. The Pharisee bragged about fasting, but the tax collector humbly asked for mercy. Jesus said the humble man was the one who was justified before God.

What Should You Do? Fast in secret. Do it for God, not for attention. Stay humble.


Not all fasts work. Some are useless because they are done the wrong way. If we fast with sin in our hearts, without prayer, for selfish reasons, or without faith, we are just starving ourselves. But if we fast the way God wants—with repentance, prayer, generosity, faith, obedience, and humility—then our fasting will have power.

So, before you start your next fast, ask yourself: Am I doing this the right way? Am I truly seeking God, or am I just trying to get something from Him?

Fasting is powerful, but only when it is done God’s way. Make your fast count!