Sermon on In The Days of His Power


One of the ingredients that the believer needs to live in this wicked world is the Power of God. If a believer must function effectively and efficiently, he needs to access the Power of God. To live in this world without Power is to end up as a casualty and prey in the hands of the devil.

Jesus Christ in Acts 1:6-8 emphasized the importance of Power in the Life of the Apostles after admonishing them on His plans and agenda of God for the spreading of the gospel. He told them that in other for them to effectively witness for Him and win more souls to the Kingdom of God, they needed to access the Power of God that will come on them after they had received the Holy Ghost.

Any believer that lacks the Power of God in his or her life will live in frustration, envy and strive. If we must see the kind of results that our Fathers and the early Apostles saw, we must obtain Power with God. We live in a wicked and terrible time and there is no way a believer can survive the test of time without obtaining sufficient Power from God. The days are evil and that’s the more reason believers needs to carry the Power of God. It is the presence of the Power of God that breaks yokes, lifts burdens and destroy bondages that holds men down from moving forward. If we as believers must operate in the realm that God wants us to walk in, we must obtain Power.

Scriptural Text

  1. Psalms 44:1-3
  2. Psalms 110:1-3
  3. Acts 1:6-8


The objective of this sermon on In the days of His power include: 

  • To understand the Meaning of Power.
  • To see Examples of People who Operated in Power in the Bible.
  • To know how to Access the Power of God.
  • To understand the Reasons why We need Power.
  • To understand the meaning of the days of His Power.
  • To know the things that are Obtainable in the Days of His Power.

What is Power According to the Bible?

The Bible which is the Word of God gives us a peculiar perspective on what Power is. The Bible presents Power in different dimensions and levels of its meaning and application. In biblical context, Power is seen as spiritual authority, strength and the ability to cause and effect change. Power can be wielded by God, Men and Spiritual entities.

Throughout Scriptures, we see examples of the demonstrations of God’s limitless Power and ability to perform miracles, heal the sick, raise the dead and exercise His sovereignty over creation. It is through God’s divine Power that the Salvation of Humanity was made possible. Men on the other hand though they are weak, vulnerable in themselves, they can wield and access the Power of God. The life of Jesus Christ and the early Apostles shows us a clear picture on how men can carry the Power of God and bring glory and honor to God’s name and effect positive change. Spiritual entities like demon spirits can also wield power they can use to keep men in bondage. We can then define Power as follows:

Power is the Supernatural ability to cause and effect change. Ref Acts 4:33, 2 Kings 3:15-17

Power is the ability to operate in the Natural Supernaturally and the Supernatural Naturally in other to produce extraordinary results. Ref Acts 5:15, 9:11-12

Power is living and operating in the Realm of God. Ref Acts 4:13-16

Power is the ability to Compel Compliance in other to bring God’s mandate and agenda in a territory.

Examples of People in the Bible who Operated in Power

The bible is full of men and women who operated in the Power of God and did supernatural exploits for God and brought glory to the name of God in heaven. In this sermon, we will be considering a few of the and what they did for God. They are:


  • The plagues of Egypt (Exodus 7-12).
  • The parting of the red sea (Exodus 14:21-31).
  • Bringing water from the rock (Exodus 17:6).
  • The healing of snake bites through the bronze serpent (Numbers 21:8-9).


  • Prayed for drought (1 Kings 17:1).
  • Widows meal and oil multiplied (1 Kings 17:14).
  • Child restored and brought back to life. (1 Kings 17:22).
  • Parting of river Jordan (2 Kings 2:8).


  • Splitting of River Jordan (2 Kings 2 :14).
  • Healing of a poisonous water supply (2 Kings 2:21).
  • Multiplication of a widow’s oil (2 Kings 4:3).
  • A barren Woman Conceived (2 Kings 4:17).
  • A dead child comes back to life (2 Kings 4:35).

Jesus Christ

  • Turning water to wine (John 2:1-11).
  • Bringing back a widow’s son back to life (Luke 7:11-17).
  • Calms the storm on the sea (Matthew 8:23-27)
  • Healing of two blind men (Matthew 9:27-37).
  • Walking on water (Matthew 14:22-33).
  • Raises Lazarus from the dead (John 11:1-45).

Apostle Peter

  • Walking on water (Matthew 14:28-31).
  • Healing of a lame man (Acts 3:6-8).
  • Healing many with his shadow (Acts 5:15).
  • Healing of Aeneas (Acts 9:32-34).
  • Raising of Dorcas from the dead (Acts 9:36-41).

Apostle Paul

  • Blinding Elymus (Acts 13:9-11).
  • Performing miracles in Iconium (Acts 14:3).
  • Healing a crippled man in Lystra (Acts 14:8-10).
  • Healing a possessed girl with an evil spirit (Acts 16:16-18).

How to Access the Power of God

There are different channels and way by which the believer can access the Power of God as seen in the life of Jesus Christ and the early church Apostles. The Power of God is free for the reach for anyone that wants it but a price must be paid. In this sermon we will be looking at different ways we can access the Power of God in other to operate in these last days. They are;

Addiction to the Presence of God (Psalms 91:1-2, Mark 3:14): The Presence of God is a vital and essential criterion for anyone that wants to access the Power of God. The Presence of is the site and headquarter were Power is produced and found. Any believer that is addicted to the Presence of God is a candidate for the Power of God. If we must carry Power in these last days, we must learn to stay in the Presence of God for long until we are endued with sufficient Power needed to do the mighty works of God.

Engaging the Word of God (Psalms 107:20, Ecclesiastics 8:4a, Acts 10:44): Any believer that must carry the Power of God, he or she must not just have access to the Word of God but must understand the dynamics on how to engage the Word of God in other for him or her to be able to produce and generate Power.

The Word of God is the raw material used in producing the Power of God. To engage the Word of God is to be a practitioner of the Word of God until it produces our desired results. Engaging the Word involves:

  • The Word of God must be Properly and rightly Taught and Communicated (2 Timothy 2:15).
  • The Word of God must be Received and Understood (Acts 8:30, Hebrews 4:2).
  • The Word of God must be Obeyed and Acted upon (2 Corinthians 10:6).
  • The Word of God must be constantly Confessed and Declared (2 Corinthians 4:14)

Engaging in Prayer and Fasting (Matthew 17:21, 1 Thes 5:17): In other for a believer to carry the Power of God, he or she must give themselves to prayers and fasting. When we spend time in the places of prayers we access spiritual power and fasting helps to humble the flesh so that the Spirit can find expression. Prayers and Fasting are boosters of the Power of God. Men of prayers and fasting are both carriers and conductors of the Power of God.

Insatiable Hunger and Passion for the Power of God (Job 23:12b, Psalms 63:1-3): It is hunger and passion for the Power of God that makes a man willing to pay any price to host God’s Power.

Holiness and Consecration unto God (Hebrews 1:9, Psalms 45:7): God cannot anoint a dirty vessel. It is those who keep themselves pure that God will give access to His Power in other to bring glory to His name.

Why Do We Need the Power of God?

It is very important that we know the reason why we need the Power of God. The reasons why most believer don’t contend for the Power of God is because they don’t know the importance of the Power of God in these last days. It is risky to live in these last days without the Power of God. In this sermon, we will be stating four (4) reasons why we need the Power of God.

  • We need the Power of God to defend the gospel and the name of Jesus Christ (Romans 1:16, 1 Corinthians 2:4, 4:20).
  • We need the Power of God to live above the reach of Sin, the devil and his manipulations (Psalms 66:3).
  • We need the Power of God in other to fulfill our ministry and God’s given dreams (Colossians 4:17).
  • We need the Power of God in other to live a victorious Christian life (Luke 10:19).

What Does “In the Days of His Power” Mean?

In the Days of His Power is a season of a mighty move of God’s Spirit and Power. A period when God decides to answer the prayers of his people and meet their needs. It is when God responds to the promptings of the Spirit. Let’s look at a few meanings of “In the days of His Power”:

  • In the days of His Power are days of great and mighty works of God i.e. the manifestations of miracles, signs, and wonders (Acts 2:42, 8:6).
  • In the days of His Power are the days of mighty moves of the Spirit of God.
  • In the days of His Power are days when believers tarry in the Presence of God until God comes (Luke 24:49, Acts 1:14).
  • In the days of His Power are days of deep intimacy with God in Prayers and intercessions (Acts 2:42).
  • In the days of His Power are days of the Manifestation of the Sons and daughters and in the fulfillment God’s agenda for their Lives (Romans 8:19).
  • In the days of His Power are days of Mighty Outpouring and Revival fire (Acts 2:1-4).
  • In the days of His Power are days of evangelism and soul winning for Jesus (Acts 2:47).

What is Obtainable In the Days of His Power?

In the Days of His Power the following is obtainable:

  • Genuine Repentance from Sin (Acts 2:37).
  • An Outpouring and Revival (Acts 9:35).
  • A Public display of Miracles, Signs and Wonders (Acts 2:22, Mark 16:20).


No price is too much when Power is in view. As a believer, you cannot be relevant if you lack the Power of God. We are in the days of His Power and we must be willing to pay the price of staying in the Presence of God, Prayers and Fasting, Holiness and Consecration unto the Lord in other for us to demands of God to carry His power so we can bring glory to the name of the Lord.

There are so many people in the captivity of the devil and it takes the Power of God to let them go free. Child of God, make up your mind to contend for power in other for you to fulfill your God’s given mandate and assignment. Receive grace to carry God’s limitless Power in the name of Jesus Christ.