Sermon on Experiencing the Help of God


No man moves forward in life outside of the help of God. Nobody can access his or her next level without the help of God. The absence of the Help of God is the abundance of shame, frustration and stagnation in life and destiny. The bible is full of men and women who received the help of God. Man’s help according to the bible is vain and will not last. When God wants to make a man last long, he will give him or her access to His help. No man can experience the help of God until mercy is involved. The help of God is one of the greatest assets that any man can have in life. The help of God ensures that you are not prone to the evil forces that is on the earth that are constantly seeking to pull you down. The help of God is essential for the welfare and well being of man on the earth. When a believer accesses the help of God, it sustains and keep him. The help of God is superior and greater than the help any mortal man can give to you as a believer. The help of God entails God’s supernatural assistance towards a man that aids a believer to scale through the journey of Life. Despite the limitations and shortcomings of man, the Help of God transcends those boundaries. The Help of God makes it easy and effortless for man through divine intervention to scale through life’s battles and struggles. It is not only God that can help. Man, also can offer help but man’s help doesn’t last (Psalms 108:12, 60:11, 2 Kings 6:27). A man’s help can only be useful when he or she is moved by God because God’s method are men.

SCRIPTURAL TEXT: 1 Samuel 7:8-12, 2 Chronicles 26:5,15


The objective of this sermon is to:

  1. Understand what the Help of God.
  2. State examples of People who experienced the Help of God in the Scriptures.
  3. State the enemies of the Help of God.
  4. Examine the benefits of the Help of God.
  5. Know how to experience the Help of God.


The Help of God means “Divine Assistance”; (Acts 26:22, Psalms 28:7, 46:1): Every time we talk about the Help of God we simply mean God assisting a man. When God wants to help a man, He will send that man supernatural assistance. Apostle Paul was able to witness for God and preach the gospel because God gave him Divine assistance.

Any man that lacks divine assistance will struggle to move forward in life. Divine assistance simply means the Help of God available to every believer who ask and seek for it. It empowers us, guides us and provides solace and comfort during life’s challenges and difficulties. The bible is full of men and women that experienced divine assistance. As a believer, when you are going through hard times and difficult seasons, call on God in the place of prayers for His assistance and you will come out from such struggles in no time.

The Help of God means “Divine Favor”; (Luke 2:52, 1 Chronicles 12:21-22): Another dimension to the Help of God is Divine Favor. Favor is God’s grace or undeserved/unmerited kindness that He makes available to us to help us access possibilities that we cannot access on our own. God’s favor enables us to do things that are impossible for us. When God wants to help a man, He gives him access to a dimension of kindness and grace that will make him accomplish impossible and difficult tasks.

The Help of God means “Supernatural Ease and Speed”; (Psalms 121:1-3, Nehemiah 6:15-16, 1 Kings 18:46): When we talk about the Help of God, we simply mean, Ease and Speed. When God wants to help a man, He introduces Speed and Ease in that man’s life. Elijah was a man that experienced speed in his lifetime. When he prayed for God to send rain in the land of Israel, God answered him and also gave him supernatural speed that he outran the chariots of the King. Nehemiah also enjoyed speed and ease when he was building the wall of Jerusalem. When Speed and Ease is at work in a believer’s life, what took others a very long time to achieve will take him or her a short time to get. The Help of good makes things very easy and smooth for a believer.

The Help of God means “Next Level”; (2 Kings 4:1-7): it is important to note that the Help of God also means “Next Level”. Next level means stepping into a new phase and realm in life. It then means that when God wants to help a man, He ushers him or her into a new realm or phase in his or her life that is far better than the previous one. In 2 Kings 4:1-7, the wife of the Prophet was in debt but after an encounter with Prophet Elisha, God helped her and changed her level to a far better one that she was able to pay her debt and still had enough to herself. God can change any man’s level to a better one when He decides to help such a man.


  1. Noah (Genesis 6:8).
  2. Abraham and Sarah (Genesis 13:1-2, Isaiah 51:2).
  3. Joseph (Genesis 39:2,21).
  4. Esther (Esther 2:15).
  5. Nehemiah (Nehemiah 6:16).
  6. David (Psalms 46:1)
  7. Daniel (Daniel 6:3).
  8. Mary the Mother of Jesus (Luke 1:28).
  9. Jesus Christ (Luke 2:52).
  10. Apostle Paul (Acts 26:22).


Pride (Proverbs 16:18, James 4:6): Nothing fights the Help of God like Pride. When a man thinks more highly of himself than what he is, it is Pride. God does not help proud people. Proud people always think they can scale through life outside of the Help of God. When a man thinks that all he has was gotten by his power and might, that man is destined to fall and not go far in life. To be proud is to limit oneself from accessing the help of God. The bible states clearly that God resist the Proud and that a great fall always precede a proud heart.

Self Sufficiency (John 21:18, 2 Corinthians 3:5): Self-sufficiency simply means for one to have enough that can sustain him. When a believer feels that he is sufficient enough to cater for his or her needs, such a believer cannot access the help of God. Apostle Paul communicated how that he was not sufficient enough to be a minister but that it was a product of God’s mercy upon his life.

He testified that his results and achievements can only be traceable to God who made grace available for him to gain such height in the ministry. So many believers today think that their education, money, family etc. can suffice for all they need and that they can do without the help of God. Unfortunately, all they think they have can go away like a vapor because it has no bearing in God.

Ungratefulness (Psalms 103:1-2): The Psalmist was an advocate of always being grateful as a Child of God. When you see how believers talk and conduct themselves, it will tell how ungrateful they are to God who created them. When we can easily forget what God has done for us and focus on what he has not done, that’s the greatest communication of ungratefulness we can give to God. Believers must learn to not be ungrateful to God but always thank Him for all He has done, all He is doing and all He is yet to do. When we are ungrateful to God, it hinders the His help towards us.

Sin (Isaiah 59:1-2): It is already established from the Word of God that sin separates men from God. When a believer chooses to live a life of sin, such a believer cannot access help from God.


The Help of God terminates Frustration and Stagnation in a Man’s life (Nehemiah 6:15-16): One of the benefits of the help of God is that the help of God terminates frustration and stagnation in a man’s life. Frustration sets in when men lack help from God. Stagnation is when a man remains a particular spot or position for a long period of time without making notable progress. When the help of God locates such a believer, every trace of frustration and stagnation is terminated. It takes the help of God to eliminate frustration that stems from the weariness and difficulties that life brings at you.

The Help of God makes a Man outstanding amongst his equals (Psalms 45:7, Genesis 39:2,21, Daniel 6:3): another benefit of the Help of God is making a man outstanding amongst his equal. When the help of God locates a believer, it takes the man beyond the level of his equals. Daniel was preferred above others because he obtained help from God. Joseph was more outstanding in his generation above his mates and equals because he obtained help from God. When you see a man that has obtained help from God, the difference will be clear.

The Help of God facilitates Ease in a Man’s life and destiny (2 Chronicles 25:15): Hardship in the life of any man or believer is a sign of the absence of the help of God. When a man lacks divine help, ease will be lacking. It then means that ease and speed in a believer’s life is a function of the help of God. When God wants to help a man, he gives such a man ease in whatever he or she is doing. What looks difficult for others becomes easy for such a person because of the presence of the Help of God that is at work.

The Help of God enhances Recovery and Restoration in a Man’s Life and destiny (1 Samuel 30:8): another major benefit we have access to when the Help of God is at work in a believer’s life is the recovery and restoration. Kind David was a man that experienced these realities in his life when he lost everything he had when he came back from battle. Having sought the face of God, he was able to recover everything that was taken from him. When God decides to help a man, it does not matter what was lost and taken in his or her life, at the instance of the help of God, divine recovery and restoration becomes possible.

The Help of God guarantees Victory and Deliverance (Psalms 37:40): Lastly, when a believer has access to the help of God, it guarantees victory in life’s battles and deliverance in the midst of troubles. It is certain that as long as we are in this world, we will go through battles and difficult times but when God decides to help such a man in trouble, victory and deliverance is sure.


By Consistent and Fervent Prayers (Hebrews 4:16, 2 Chronicles 26:5): In other to access the help of God, believers must engage in consistent and fervent prayers. Every man that experienced the help of God in the bible got it on the altar of prayer. When we pray, it is a communication of our helplessness and dependence in God. We put God under pressure to help us when we pray to Him because praying to Him is a sign that He is all we’ve got. When believers don’t pray, the help of God is far and absent in their lives. In the place of prayers, divine help is accessed and secured.

Constant Communication of Our Helplessness (Hebrew 4:16, 2 Corinthians 3:5): Paul the Apostle communicated his helplessness to God that made him access the help of God in his life and ministry. When men are vulnerable and communicate their helplessness before God, he has no option than to show and give the divine assistance.

Engaging in Prophetic Praises, Worship and Dancing (Psalms 67:5-8, 119:164): Believers who engage in singing worship and praises before God are men who can be helped by God. Dancing before God can make the heart of God merry and gladdened which will activate the help of God. There were times when the nation of Israel was faced with battles, as the sang before God their maker and King, the Lord sent them help and gave them deliverance from their battles.

Commitment and Service in the House of God (Psalms 20:2, 92:13): Service and commitment in the house of God gives men access to the help of God. When believers serve God by being committed in cleaning, washing and sweeping the house of God amongst other services they can offer, they have access to the house of God. When you work for God, He will in turn show you His help.

Through the Gift of Men (1 Chronicles 12:22, Luke 8:2-3): Another major way God can help men is to send them the gift of men. Men are God’s method. It then means God will not come down from heaven to help any man, He will touch the hearts of men to help you. King David is a classic example of receiving the help of God via the ministry of the gift of men. It was the presence of the “mighty men of David” that made it possible for David to be victorious in the battles that he fought.

By Sacrifice (Psalms 50:5, 2 Samuel 24:24): Offering sacrifices to God is another key that ushers’ men into the help of God. When we give God sacrifices, He is moved to help us. The bible is full of men like Noah, David, Abraham etc. who offered sacrifices to God and He in turn, helped them tremendously.


Any believer or Christian that decides to live outside of the help of God has signed up for frustration and stagnation. Men are product of God’s help. If we must be outstanding in our generation and experience ease and speed, we must spend time in the place of prayers asking God for His help as believers, we must learn to totally depend on God for help and not man. The help of man is temporary but when God helps a man, it is permanent. God helps men by using men. We must recognize the need to not despise men because it is through men that God blesses us. In the name of JESUS CHRIST, may we receive the help of God in a way we have not seen.