It is very essential that we understand the importance and role of the word of God in the believer’s life. In other for any Christian or believer to be effective and efficient, he must learn to engage and maximize the word of God that is infallible. God’s desire is that his children walk in His will and standards and there is no way the believer can walk in the fullness of God’s plan and will for his or her life outside the operation of the Word of God.
Having access to the Word of God is not enough, the believer must understand the dynamics on how to operate and engage the word of God for his or her profiting. Understanding and engaging the Word of God is an essential practice in the Christian faith which emphasizes the importance of comprehending and engaging the Word of God as a guide to walking and aligning in God’s will and purposes for our Lives.
The bible which is regarded and seen as the inspired Word of God (2 Tim 3:16) serves as the ultimate authority for faith and Christian conduct. In other to truly understand and engage the Word of God, we must understand the role of the Holy Spirit in helping the believer understand and engage the Word of God.
The Holy Spirit helps the believer to understand the engage the word of God effectively. Outside of the help of the Holy Spirit, it will be very difficult for the believer to comprehend and understand the meaning and interpretation of the Word of God. The believer must embrace the ministry of the Holy Spirit to help him understand and engage the Word of God for his or her profiting.
Scriptural Text: Matthew 4:4, Hebrews 4:12, John 1:1-3
The objectives of this sermon are:
- To understand the meaning of the Word of God.
- To know the Power of the Word of God
- To examine the importance of the Word of God
- To know how to engage the Word of God.
What is the Word of God?
It is very important for believers to understand the meaning of the Word of God as seen and interpreted in the scriptures. The term “Word of God” is seen and appears often in the Bible and can have different meaning depending on the context in which it is used. The Greeks interprets the Word of God in two terms, logos and rhema.
In John 1:1-2, the term “word of God” was interpreted as “logos” which means “the expression of a thought”. Logos is the total message of God to man (Acts 11:1, 1 Thessalonians 2:13). Jesus Christ embodied and showcased that total message of God’s intent and thought to humanity, and that is the main reason why Jesus Christ is called the “Logos” or “Word” of God (Colossians 1:19, 2:9).
The term “Logos” in the Greek also refers to the written message, thought and intent of God to humanity (Colossians 1:25, 1 Timothy 4:5, Revelation 1:2). This means that the Word of God is the written, physical and documented message God gave to His children to serve as a guide to them understanding His ways, plans and thoughts towards them that was written by men that the Holy Spirit inspired and we call that written message The Bible.
Another word that the Greeks use to refer to as the Word of God, is rhema. Rhema refers to the actual spoken/written words of God (Hebrews 6:5, Matthew 4:4). Rhema is beyond the printed words of God on a page. It is the received and revealed Words of God to a believer to help overcome the attacks of the devil. Rhema is a revealed word or an insight that God gives a believer. For instance, a believer might have been reading a particular passage of scripture for many times before but when the Holy Spirit makes you to see that scripture in a new light and how it personally applies to your life, it is called, a Rhema Word.
As a summary, these are the definitions of the Word of God:
- The Word of God is the manifestation of the will, thought, intention and plan of God. Ref Psalms 40:5, Revelation 19:13, Philippians 2:13
- The Word of God is God. Ref john 1:1
- The Word of God is the revelation of the operations and ways of God. Ref Psalms 103:7
The Power of the Word of God
The Word of God has incredible power embedded in it and in this sermon, we will be considering a few of them. God’s Word has the power to change our hearts and us from the inside out. The Word of God serves as a firm foundation for the believer’s walk and relationship with God.
Let’s consider a few Power that is enshrined in the Word of God. They are:
The Power to Create: (Romans 4:17, John 1:3): The Word of God is so powerful in the life of a believer. One of the powers and potency of the Word of God is its ability to create. In Genesis 1:1-3, we see that the first-time words were used by God was for creation. When a is lacking in anything in his or her life, applying the Word of God can create anything lacking and missing.
Proper understanding and application of the Word of God can create realities in the life of the believer. When we study the life of Abraham and Sarah, we see how they were barren for years but when the Word of the Lord came to them, they had Isaac as a son. The Word of God can create anything that is lacking and missing in the believer’s life when he or she trusts and apply the Word of God adequately.
The Power to Revive; (Psalms 119:25, 50): When believers goes through seasons of downcast and weariness, the Word of God serve as tool for revival of the soul. The Word of God has the capacity to bring encouragement, hope and comfort to a dying and weary soul. When believers give themselves to the ministry of the Word, anything that is experiencing death, will be revived.
The Power to Restore; (Ezekiel 37): A deep study of Ezekiel 37, showed us practically how the Word of God can bring and facilitate total and complete restoration in the life of any believer. Anything that is lost no matter the number of years, the introduction of the Word of God can facilitate supernatural restoration.
When the devil succeeds in wasting the years and time of a believer, when that believer introduces the Word of God, he or she begins to experience unusual restoration that is sponsored by the Word of God.
The Power to Reveal; (Hebrews 4:12): The heart, thoughts and intentions of man is very deep just like the bible said but only the Word of God can reveal what is in the heart of man. The Word of God does not only reveal the heart of man, it also reveals the thoughts and will of God concerning His children and also reveals the plots and plans of the enemy. Via the Word of God (rhema), we as believers can have access to the plots of the enemy and cancel them with the authority in the Word. We must learn to depend o the Word of God for the revelation of deep and hidden things that are kept from us.
The Power to Transform; (2 Corinthians 3:18): A believer cannot experience transformation outside of the Word of God. God gave us access to His Word so that it can change us. One of the major reasons why God gave us His Word is so that it can transform us and our lives can clearly reflect Jesus Christ everywhere we find ourselves. The bible is a tool for both transformation and renewal of the mind.
The Importance of God’s Word
The importance of the Word of God in the life of a believer cannot be over emphasized. In this sermon, we will be examining the importance of the Word of God in the life of believer as touching his or her relationship with God. They are;
The Word of God is a shield against Sin in the life of a believer (Psalms 119:9, 11): We can see clearly from the Bible that on of the essence of the Word of God is to shield us against falling into sin and living in sin. When a believer surrounds himself with the Word of God, it makes it impossible for him or her to remain in the bondage of sin.
The Word of God provides Divine Direction for a believer’s life and destiny (Psalms 119:105, 130): When you see a Christian that I confused and lacks direction, it is a sign that he or she is bankrupt of the Word of God. The Word of God provides divine direction for us as believers so that we don’t live in confusion and distraction as we live our lives here on earth. When we study and meditate on the Word of God, it gives us clarity and direction for life.
The Word of God is a tool for Spiritual Growth and Transformation (1 Peter 2:2): Apostle Peter taught us as believers in his epistle that if we must grow and be transformed, we must give ourselves to the Word of God. The Word of God gives us all the spiritual nutrients we need for our growth and transformation. When we study the word of God, we have access to the mind of Christ that makes us reflect His character and glory.
The Word of God is a tool for Spiritual Warfare and Victory (Ephesians 6:17b): Paul the Apostle calls the Word of God “the sword of the Spirit”. That means a believer cannot win spiritual warfare without the Word of God. The reason Jesus Christ was able to overcome Satan in his temptation was because He knew the Word of God. Access to the Word of God is guaranteed victory in battles of life. The believer must embrace and engage the Word of God in gaining victory in life.
The Word of God enhances Healing and Deliverance (Psalms 107:20): when a believer is buffeted by sicknesses and diseases, the Word of God has the capability and ability to bring healing and deliverance to such a believer. The Word of God facilitates divine healing and deliverance in a believer’s life.
How to Engage the Word of God
In other for the Word of God to profit you as a believer, we must learn to engage the Word of God properly and correctly. These are the ways a believer can engage the Word of God in his or her life in other for it to profit him or her. They are;
The Believer must Study the Word of God (2 Timothy 2:15): In other to engage the Word of God correctly, the believer must learn to study the Word of God every day. Acute study of the Word of God equips the believer with accurate and adequate knowledge as regarding God’s plan and thoughts concerning his or her life and that will enable him or her to the able to accurately apply and engage the Word of God. It is not just reading the bible; the believer must take his or her time to study the Word of God. Studying the word of God takes much time because it gives the Holy Spirit the allowance to both guide and interpret the Word of God to your mind for your understanding.
The Believer must learn to Meditate on the Word of God (Joshua 1:8): After taking your time to do a proper study of God’s Word, the believer must learn to meditate on the Word of God. To meditate is to quietly ponder over what you have read in other to know how to apply it in your life. It is not enough to study the word of God, we must learn to meditate deeply on the Word of God to have access to the usefulness and application of the Word you have read and studied in your life.
The Believer must Believe the Word of God (2 Corinthians 4:13): The third step to engaging the Word of God is to believe the Word. To believe the Word is to act on the Word. When we study and meditate on the word of God, we must also believe what we have read by acting on what we have read. To believe on God’s word is to act on God’s ability and integrity.
The Believer must constantly Confess, Speak and Declare the Word of God (Isaiah 43:26, Psalms 107:2): And lastly, we must learn to keep confessing, speaking and declaring the Word of God over our life’s situation and circumstances.
We have seen what the Word of God is and how important it is in the life of the believer. In other for the Word of God to profit and benefit a believer, he must understand the dynamics of engaging the Word of God and by the mercies of God, we have been able to outline the various steps on how we can engage the Word of God for our profiting. May we receive grace to engage the Word of God in the name of Jesus Christ.