In this sermon on anointing breaks the yoke, we are going to be looking at a very important subject and I will be showing you how you can craft your message if you need to speak on this subject.
It is very important that as believers we know the essence of the anointing and why it is very necessary in our lives and daily walk with God. The phrase “anointing breaks the yoke” is derived from Isaiah 10:27, which refers to the anointing as the burden-removing, yoke-destroying power of God.
It then means that the anointing specializes in destroying burdens and lifting burdens. The anointing is what delivers God’s people and sets the captives free. The anointing is literally God in the flesh doing what the flesh can’t do. It is God’s supernatural nature working in nature.
Acts 10:38 describes the impact of the anointing on the life and ministry of Jesus: “How God anointed Jesus of Nazareth with the Holy Ghost and with power: who went around doing good, and healing all that were oppressed of the devil; for God was with him” (KJV).
This powerful verse reminds us that Jesus is a doer of good, that the affliction and sickness comes from the enemy, not God, and that the anointing is what removes the oppression. The yoke represents oppression or any form of bondage, while the anointing symbolizes divine enablement, favor, and strength.
The verse accentuates the capacity of divine anointing to eliminate any form of bondage and bestow liberty, showcasing God’s unyielding desire for His people’s freedom. The anointing is what delivers God’s people and sets the captives free. The good news for believers today is that the anointing continues to function as it did during the time Jesus walked on the earth. Every miracle, every healing, every life change was the result of the anointing of the Holy Spirit upon Jesus. This same anointing works today to provide a supernatural remedy to longstanding issues, practical issues, and impossible issues in our lives.
SCRIPTURAL TEXT: Isaiah 10:27 and Acts 10:38
The objective of this sermon on Anointing Breaks the Yoke is:
- Understand the meaning of the Anointing.
- Understand the meaning of Yokes.
- What does it mean to break Yokes?
- Know the different categories of Yokes that the anointing can break.
- Examine the benefits of the Anointing that breaks Yokes.
What Does the Anointing Mean?
The Anointing is the presence of the Holy Spirit in the life of a believer that makes him or her produce supernatural results. It is the visitation of God in a strong and mysterious way that leads to the outflow of the Holy Spirit which passes through a human vessel. It is also a supernatural power for supernatural assignment.
When the anointing is at work, it is important to know that it is God who is at work not the man; God in the flesh doing what ordinarily man cannot do. The anointing is God’s ability in a Man. It is the divine power of God that makes what is impossible to be possible. It is the act of consecrating or dedicating someone or something by applying oil or other substance. It makes someone or something sacred. In a spiritual sense, it represents God working through people to accomplish what they couldn’t do on their own.
The spiritual meaning of anointing is the symbolic act of consecrating someone or something with oil, representing the empowerment and presence of the Holy Spirit in their life. Anointing is also a way of teaching and imparting spiritual power to believers. Anointing sets apart the person or thing for a specific purpose within their faith.
What Does Yoke Mean?
A yoke is a power that hinders a person from making progress, both physically and spiritually. Yoke can also be used to symbolize oppression and slavery. For example, in the book of Deuteronomy, God warns the Israelites that if they disobey Him, He will put a “yoke of iron” on their necks (Deuteronomy 28:48). This means that their enemies will enslave them. A yoke is often a symbol of subjugation and forced labor. It represents the burdens imposed by foreign oppressors or the heavy demands of sin and idolatry.
What Does it Mean to Break Yokes?
The concept of the “breaking of yokes” in the Bible is a powerful metaphor for liberation and deliverance from oppression, bondage, and servitude. This imagery is used throughout Scripture to describe God’s intervention in freeing His people from various forms of captivity and burden that they are going through or experiencing. It signifies the release from the bondage of sin and the oppressive forces of evil, Satan and darkness. It emphasizes on redemption and salvation, where God consistently acts to free His people through the Anointing. Believers are called to experience the breaking of yokes in their own lives, as they turn away from sin and embrace the freedom offered through faith in Jesus Christ.
What Are the Categories of Yokes that the Anointing Can Break?
Guilt and condemnation
The spirit of religion works this one in your soul area and prevents the liberty of the saints. Rom 8:1-2 There is therefore now no condemnation to those who are in Christ Jesus, who do not walk according to the flesh, but according to the Spirit. For the law of the Spirit of life in Christ Jesus has made me free from the law of sin and death. One of the major yokes that the anointing destroys is guilt and condemnation of sin from the past and anything the devil want to put on you.
False expectations
When you are not operating according to your own measure of faith, you have an estimation of yourself that is unfair. It places pressure on you that causes a different state to mind and even health. Plan in pencil and allow the anointing inside you to teach concerning all things. Stop comparing yourself with others and start an inward journey of faith that releases you to do even more with less pressure.
Oppressive feelings of anxiety and depression
Pro 12:25; Anxiety in the heart of man causes depression, but a good word makes it glad. The anointing will remind you of all the good words God has given you either through people, or in prayers.
Financial Struggles
Don’t let the cares of the world choke the word of God in you. The cares of this life, anxieties, the desires for other things creeping in are the weeds that choke the seed of faith sown through preaching and teaching in your life.
Sin and Iniquity
Another major yoke that the anointing deals with is the yoke of sin and iniquity. The major reason died was to deliver mankind from the yoke of sin that the devil has used to hold human bond for years. The Worldly system that we live in and the secular humanistic way of thinking creeps into all we do. Coming out from Babylon means we do not allow the world to squeeze us into its mold, but we break the mold and live out the calling and purpose God has for us with a new standard of living.
Sickness and Diseases
Acts 10:38 shows us how the anointing on the life of Jesus Christ was used the deal with sicknesses and diseases in the life of people. We also see that in the ministry of the early Apostles like Peter, Paul etc.
Despair and suicidal tendencies
Apostle Paul experienced all that life and the devil could throw at him and listen to what he says: “2Co 4:8 We are hard-pressed on every side, yet not crushed; we are perplexed, but not in despair;”
In 1 John 2:27, John communicates the enduring and transformative nature of the anointing in this verse. Notably, the anointing empowers individuals with discernment and knowledge, dismantling the yoke of ignorance. It indicates that true anointing leads towards truth, authenticity, and a deeper relationship with God.
What are the Benefits of the Anointing to Break Yokes?
We must understand that when the yoke is broken in your life by the anointing, it attracts certain benefits which we are going to consider in this sermon. They are;
Access to all-round Prosperity
When the anointing breaks the yokes in a believer’s life, it enables him or her to access all round prosperity. So as a child of God, you are not permitted to fail. In fact, failure is not an option for you as someone who has been anointed. You will flourish no matter the circumstances as long as you walk in your anointing. This was what played out in the life of Joseph and Daniel in their captivity. You could see that regardless of where they were and who was in power they prospered notwithstanding. This also will be your heritage as you begin to acknowledge the anointing in your life too (Gen.39v2-6, 21).
Enhances Supernatural Exploits
The anointing is what enables you for exploits. It does this by empowering you to do what you cannot naturally or humanly speaking do. The Anointing transforms you into another man. This is what you see at work in the lives of Anointed people such as Samson, David, Gideon, Jephthah to mention just a few. You too need to expect the Anointing to do the very same thing. It will change you from being ordinary to becoming extraordinary (1ki.18v46; Isa.61v1-3).
Access to New Life in Christ
When the yoke is destroyed in your life, you begin to experience the newness of life that freedom brings. The anointing is your life wire. Your health, vitality and well-being depend on it. This is why you need to take the anointing more seriously. Your Life depends on it. Glory be to God; the anointing is the life-giving force in you. So therefore sickness, disease or any infirmity is no longer permitted to rule or reign in your body. The anointing gives life and also quickens your mortal body. My dear reader, I believe you can now see why you need to be more aware of the anointing. Doing this will take your life to another dimension and that change begins today (Jn.15v5; Rom.8v11).
Empowers Consecration
The anointing is what sets you apart and aside from the World and the works of Satan. The anointing sets you apart for God’s Holy use. It makes you unique, peculiar and even different from others. It’s what makes the difference maker in your life. It sets you apart from the rest and also keeps you from the pollutions and defilements of the World. So, the anointing sanctifies and also purifies you. This is why you need to guard it Jealously. Don’t allow the enemy of your soul to ever corrupt or contaminate your anointing. Keep it fresh and free from any form of defilements (Isa.52v11).
Freedom from sin and guilt
2Cor 5:17 Therefore if any man be in Christ, he is a new creature: old things are passed away; behold, all things are become new. So, when the anointing comes, it handles guilt and sin in a man’s life.
Freedom from sicknesses and diseases
When the anointing that breaks the yoke is introduced in your life, you are free from sicknesses and diseases. The anointing constantly attacks sicknesses and diseases in the life of a Christian.
Understanding the role of the anointing in breaking yokes in the life of a believer is key in other for that believer to experience freedom in every area of his or her life. We must take advantage of the presence of anointing in our lives and deal with every burden and yoke. The anointing plays a vital role in seeing that everything that looks like a burden or yoke is taken care of once and for all. I declare over your life today that every yoke and burden that is holding you down is broken in the Name of Jesus Christ.